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big tech
sector, largest 5 companies by revenue

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US-headquartered, industry dominant companies having a primary business model focused on the software or hardware enabling the modern, consumer technological economy, all with annual revenues (FYE 2022) greater than $20 billion. For Spendwell, this sector does not include companies primarily focused on telecommunication services (cable, copper, cellular or satellite), entertainment, healthcare, aerospace, fossil fuels or traditional means of transporation.

For details, select a company from these rankings.

US-headquartered, industry dominant companies having a primary business model focused on the software or hardware enabling the modern, consumer technological economy, all with annual revenues (FYE 2022) greater than $20 billion. For Spendwell, this sector does not include companies primarily focused on telecommunication services (cable, copper, cellular or satellite), entertainment, healthcare, aerospace, fossil fuels or traditional means of transporation.

For details, select a company by accessing the big tech industry ranking at the bottom of this screen.

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