general merchandisers
These rankings are weighted.
General merchandisers are companies with a significant focus on retail sales of a wide variety of consumables with no dominantly marketed category of goods. Excluded from this industry: sales consisting of mostly branded merchandise where the company's primary focus is non-retail (i.e., entertainment); sales consisting primarily of heavy consumer durable goods (i.e., automobiles, large appliances); companies marketed primarily and historically as grocery stores.
For details, select a company from these rankings.
General merchandisers are companies with a significant focus on retail sales of a wide variety of consumables with no dominantly marketed category of goods. Excluded from this industry: sales consisting of mostly branded merchandise where the company's primary focus is non-retail (i.e., entertainment); sales consisting primarily of heavy consumer durable goods (i.e., automobiles, large appliances); companies marketed primarily and historically as grocery stores.
For details, select a company by accessing the general merchandisers industry ranking at the bottom of this screen.